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Spatial spot-deconvolution

spatialprompt.SpatialDeconvolution.predict_cell_prop(sc_array, st_array,sc_genes, st_genes, sc_labels, x_cord, y_cord,
n_hvgs=1000, min_cell=10, max_cell=15, return_prop=True,
spot_ratio=[0.33, 0.33, 0.33], n_neighbor=45, n_itr=3)


This program performs spot deconvolution in spatial data using scRNA-seq data reference.


  • sc_array: Matrix of Single-cell data, where rows are the cells and columns are the genes.
  • st_array: Matrix of Spatial data, where rows are the cells and columns are the genes.
  • sc_genes: Gene names of the sc_array matrix.
  • st_genes: Gene names of the st_array matrix.
  • sc_labels: Cell type annotations of sc_array.
  • x_cord: X coordinate array of spatial data.
  • y_cord: Y coordinate array of spatial data.
  • n_hvgs (default=1000): Number of high variance genes to consider for analysis.
  • min_cell (default=10): Minimum number of cells to simulate the spatial spot.
  • max_cell (default=15): Maximum number of cells to simulate the spatial spot.
  • return_prop (default=True): Return proportions of cell types if true. Else return the cell type having a higher proportion.
  • spot_ratio (default=[0.33, 0.33, 0.33]): Ratio of proportions of spots to be simulated using criteria 1/2/3 mentioned in the paper. If the labels are ambiguous cell types (e.g., EX_L3_4_5 have cell types of L3 AND L4), then spot_ratio should be provided as a list, e.g., [0, 0, 1].
  • n_neighbor (default=45): Number of neighbors to consider for weighted mean expression calculation.
  • n_itr (default=3): Number of iterations message passing layer pull information from neighbors.


import spatialprompt as sp

# Create an instance of Spatialdeconvolution 
deconv_model = sp.SpatialDeconvolution()

# Example call to predict_cell_prop
result = deconv_model.predict_cell_prop(sc_array, st_array, 
                              sc_genes,  st_genes, 
                              x_cord, y_cord)